Exciting News, I have brand new formatted paperbacks of RESENTMENT thanks to the lovely ladies of Perfectly Publishable! The interior design is absolutely beautiful and If you'd like to order a signed paperback for yourself or a friend, they're $12 plus shipping via media mail (US Only). The form of payment I'm currently able to accept is PayPal.
The link to buy a signed copy is here ➜ http://bit.ly/1Nld4IE
Please Include a note with any special signing instructions :-)
Also, I
'm spending the next few weeks working on my next novel! Are you ready? You can add it to your TBR here ➜ http://bit.ly/1QfdUu8
If you haven't picked up my first book RESENTMENT, you can one click it on amazon or read it for FREE if you're a KU subscriber ➜ http://amzn.to/1iWZNes
Hope everyone had a happy New Year :-)